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Jaw problems

Jaw problems often arise during or after a period of stress. Your body is in a kind of survival mode during stress. This survival mechanism is neurologically regulated by your nervous system, specifically: the sympathetic nervous system.

This part of your neurological system is connected to the "jaw nerve" (n. Trigeminal) and ensures that your jaw is tensed during stress.


Jaw complaints almost never occur in isolation. Teeth grinding or jaw clenching are usually accompanied by other complaints such as neck and headaches.

In addition to neck and headaches, the rest of your face, neck, chest and abdomen are also usually unconsciously tensed. Your entire system becomes hyperalert, so to speak.


Your swallowing and articulation behavior also changes when your n. Trigeminal is working at full speed. This compensatory behavior can maintain the tension in your jaw, even in times of less stress.


During or after such a period of stress, it is not easy to relax your jaw and regain your natural jaw tension (tone).

"we help you to regain your natural jaw tension (tonus)"



  • Jaw Clamps

  • Teeth grinding

  • Tension and/or pain in the face, neck, shoulders, back, throat and chest

  • Headache and migraine 

  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

  • Digestive complaints

  • Stress

  • Sleep problems

  • Feeling overstimulated quickly

We help you with:

Our hands

We treat your entire body with gentle manual techniques where necessary so that your jaw and other areas feel less tense.



We make you aware of your clamping, biting, swallowing and articulation behavior during speaking and during rest periods.



We discuss the cause of your jaw problems using techniques from psychotherapy.

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