Voice problems when speaking can arise during or after a period of voice (over)strain, a bad cold or sore throat, after an operation, during stress and during physical and emotional overload.
Causes of voice problems
Incorrect use of voice
Voice abuse (shouting, screaming, whispering, ...)
High, shallow and/or tense breathing
Physical tension (whole body and throat area)
Stress and emotions
Colds and other forms of mucus formation
Hidden reflux
"We help you to regain your natural voice"
Speaking and singing
Complaints for which voice therapy can help
Hoarse, sore or tired voice
A sore throat
Voice problems in professional speakers
(teachers, telephone operators, lawyers, consultants, team leaders, etc.)
Voice too high or too low
Voice too soft or too loud
Little carrying capacity while speaking
Voice breaks
Limited intelligibility
Vocal fold paralysis
Voice in transition among transgender people
I want to thank you, Bert. Because thanks to Voice Therapy I not only got my speaking voice back… I can also sing again. Something I had almost given up hope for. With the good advice and the right techniques at my disposal, I can fully get started on singing with pleasure!
Björn*, 38 years old, hoarseness when speaking and singing
*: name is fictitious to protect our client's privacy
We help you with:
Our hands
We treat your voice and throat, your diaphragm and other areas of your body with gentle manual techniques so that speaking feels less tense.
We make you aware of your voice, breathing and articulation behavior. In a step-by-step way we coach you to a healthier way of speaking.
We will discuss the cause of your voice problems using psychotherapy techniques.